EGGERS, Wilhelm

EGGERS, Wilhelm. Magdeburg 23.4.1888 — 19??. German Student of Indology. Son of a contractor (then geh. Baurat). Gymnasium 1898-1908 in Aschersleben, stopped at Unterprima without matriculation. After working one year at local aircraft factory studied in 1909-10 mechanical engineering at Karlsruhe technische Hochschule and in 1910-12 at Kolonialschule in Witzenhausen. In 1912-13 military service in Hildesheim. In 1913-14 Pflanzungsangestellter in German and Portuguese East Africa, in 1914-16 served in the East African war (in kaiserl. Schutztruppen). On 3.9.1916 he was severely wounded and taken as prisoner of war, from September 1916 to December 1919 in a camp in India. Back in Germany he was 1919-22 “Aufsichtsbeamter bei den Flurschutzorganisationen des Saalkreises und im Kreise Delitzsch”. In 1922-24 he worked at potassium and coal mines near Halle. In 1924 started studies at Kiel, first two terms as “Gasthörer”, concentrated soon on Indology (under Schrader). After matriculation (“Reifeprüfung”) at Gymnasium of Kiel, full-time student of Indology with secondary subjects Scandinavian philology, philosophy and general linguistics. From 1926 also student of theology. Ph.D. 1929 Kiel.

Publications: Diss. Das Dharmasūtra des Vaikhānasas. Übersetzt und mit textkritischen und erklärenden Anmerkungen versehen. Nebst einer Einleitung über den brahmanischen Waldeinsiedler-Orden und die Vaikhānasa-Sekte. 92 p. Göttingen 1929.

Sources: Lebenslauf in diss.

Last Updated on 3 years by Admin


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