MARSHALL, William Elliot. 1826? — Torquay, Devon 21.11.1888. British Colonial Officer and Anthropologist in India. Son of an officer, educated at Rugby. Lieutenant-Colonel of Bengal Staff Corps (1873). Retired as Major-General. Married 1861 Caroline Sylvia Hardy (1840–1926), one daughter, one son.
During a furlough in Ootacamund he became interested in Todas and conducted his famous study, assisted (especially with language) by Rev. —> Friedrich Metz (1819–1886) of Basel Missionary Society who also compiled the vocabulary appended to the book. The book is also noted for its photographs, although its phrenological approach is now rightly rejected.
Publications: A Phrenologist amongst the Todas, Or, The Study of a Primitive Tribe in South India. 271 p. 19 photos. L. 1873 (his Travels among the Todas is just another edition of this).
Sources: Stray notes in Internet, Preface to his book, life dates and family in
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