EIDLITZ, Walther

EIDLITZ, Walther. Vienna 28.8.1892 — Vaxholm, Uppland, Sweden 28.8.1978. Austrian Author interested in Indian Religion. Son of Sigmund E. and Friederike Weiss, a well-to-do Jewish family. Studies at Technische Hochschule, Vienna, graduated as building engineer. Participated in the WW I and after it started a career as free author. In 1924 Literaturpreis der Stadt Wien. As a converted Jew he left Austria soon after the Anschluss and went to India where he was interned during the war. In 1946 returned to Europe. After a second visit to India in 1950-51 he settled down in Sweden for the rest of his life. In India he acknowledged Swāmi Sadānanda alias Dr. Ernst Georg Schulze as his guru and himself used the name Vāmana Dāsa. Hon. Dr. 1975 Lund. Married Helena (Hella) Spira, one son.

Publications: A number of poems, dramas, short stories and novels, 1920-36.

Bhakta. Eine indische Odyssee. 266 p. Hamburg 1951; Die indische Gottesliebe. 340 p. Olten & Freiburg 1955; Die unverhüllte Bhakti. 79 p. Stockholm 1957.

Der Glaube und die heiligen Schriften der Inder. 508 p. 20 pl. Olten & Freiburg i. Br. 1957.

Kṛṣṇa-Caitanya. Sein Leben und seine Lehre. 561 p. Acta Univ. Stockh., Stockholm Studies in Comparative Religion. Stockholm 1968.

Der Sinn des Lebens. Der indische Weg zum liebenden Hingabe. 191 p. Olten & Freiburg i. Br. 1974.

Sources: Dt. Biogr. Enz. 3, 1996; Dt. Lit. Lex. 4, 1972; Preface and cover of his 1955 book; geni.com with small photo; Wikipedia (also listing a number on English and Swedish translations of his books without indicating from which original they were made).

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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