ESCHMANN, Anncharlott

ESCHMANN, Anncharlott. Munich 24.9.1941 — Delhi 6.4.1977. German Indologist. Daughter of Professor Ernst Wilhelm E. (1904–1987), a Sociologist, and Charlott, a psychotherapist. Grew up in Ticino, Switzerland. From 1961 studies of Protestant theology, comparative religion and Indology at Munich, Marburg and Heidelberg. Ph.D. 1969. Joined the Orissa Research Project and started fieldwork in 1970. Assistant at Indological Seminar, Heidelberg, from 1975 in charge of its Delhi station. Now she visited Orissa often, but on her last trip there contracted malaria and died soon. She was interested in the interaction of tribal and folk religion and Hindu traditions.

Publications: Diss. 1969 publ. as Das religiöse Geschichtsbild der Azteken. 371 p. Indiana Beiheft 4. B. 1976; articles on religions.

Edited with H. Kulke and G. C. Tripathi: The Cult of Jagannath and the regional tradition of Orissa. 558 p. 74 pl. South Asian Studies 8. Wb. 1977.

Several articles on Orissan religion, e.g. “Der Avatāragedanke im Hinduismus des 19ten und 20ten Jahrhunderts”, Numen 19, 1972, 229-240.

– “Religion, Reaction and Change: The Role of Sects in Hinduism”, Religion and Development in Asian Societies. Colombo 1974, 143-157; “Religion and Religions in Modern Hinduism”, South Asian Digest of Regional Writing. Heidelberg 1975, 2-20.

Sources: Stache-Rosen 1990 131f. with photo; Wikipedia with bibliography.

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