NELL, Louis

NELL, Louis. Colombo 26.11.1830 — Chiswick, Middlesex 17.5.1922. British (of Burgher background) Lawyer in Sri Lanka. Son of George N. and Maria Elizabeth Conderlag. Crown counsel of Ceylon. Retired in 1893, travelled in Switzerland, Italy and Germany. Four times (?) married, 14 children.

Publications: In JRAS-CB: “An Introductory Paper on the Investigation of Singhalese Music”, 3:10, 1856-58, 200-206; “The Siṇhalese observance of the Kaláwa”, 7:24, 1881, 85-92; “A Húniyam Image”, 7:24, 1881, 116-124; “The Ethnology of Ceylon”, 12:43, 1892, 230-252.

– Transl. from Sinhalese: “The Apannaka Jātaka”, The Orientalist 1, 1884, 156-163.

– “Laṅkā”, The Orientalist 2, 1886, 27-33; “An explanatory list of Portuguese words adopted by the Sinhalese”, The Orientalist 3, 1888-89, 41-56 & “An explanatory list of Dutch words…”, Ibid. 133-144; further articles in the same journal.

– Also wrote on law.

Sources:; stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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