FALK, Maryla

FALK, Maryla. Lemberg (Lwów, now L’viv) 26.4.1906 — Chamonix (Hautes Alpes) 13.6.1980. Polish Indologist. Born in the then Austrian Lemberg (now L’viv in Ukraina). Many details of her life are unavailable. Thus it remains unknown, whether she actually lived in Poland (possibly in Warsaw), but at least she seems to have had strong ties to her country of origin. Studies in Paris under Przyluski. In the 1930s she must have been in Italy (Rome). In 1938 she was in Bombay and during the war taught Slavic languages at Calcutta University. In 1948 apparently still in Calcutta. After the war she apparently settled down in Rome (again?), where she also taught Indology at the Uni­versity. In 1951/57 already living in Chamonix, France.

Publications: I “misteri” di Novalis. Coll. di Studi Filosofici 17. Naples 1938.

– “Un inno yoga nell’ Atharva-Veda [8, 9]”, OC 19, Rome 1935 (1938), 312-323; “Indologie auf den Wegen und Abwegen vergleichender Religionsforschung”, Polski Biuletyn Orientalistyczny 1, 1937, 18-37 (on Coomaraswamy); “Une ancienne psycho-physiologie dans l’Inde… Origine dell’ equazione ellenistica logos-anthropos”, Studi e materiali di Storia delle Religioni 13, 1937, 166-214; “Upāsana et upaniṣad”, RO 13, 1937, 129-158.

With J. Przyluski: “Aspects d’une ancienne psychophysiologie dans l’Inde et en Extrême-Orient”, BSOS 9:3, 1938, 723-728.

– “Nāmarūpa i dharmarūpa (Zródla i dzieje staroindyskiej koncepcji)”, Sprawozdania Polskiej Akademii Umiejetności 43, 1938:2, 35-40.

– “Il mito psicologico nell’ India antica”, Mem. R. Accad. Lincei 6:8:5, 1939, 289-738, repr. as book, Milano 1986, Polish transl. by I. Kania. Cracow 2011; Nāma-rūpa and dharma-rūpa: Origins and aspects of an ancient Indian conception. 12+222 p. Calcutta 1943; “Early Indo-Slav connections”, Proc. of Indian Hist. Congress 6, Aligarh 1943 (1944), 61-70.

– “Nairatmya and karman”, IHQ 16, 1940, 329-464, 647-682; “Amavasya in mythical and philosophical thought”, IHQ 18, 1942, 26-45; “Filoni del pensiero indiano nelle sorgenti del pensiero occidentale”, Asiatica 2, 1936, ??-??; “Kosas, Kayas and Skandhas”, Proc. AIOC 10, Tirupati 1941, 310-325; “The Serpent and the Bird”, Bhar. Vi. 4:2, 1943, 201-221.

– “Indian and Polish Thought”, M. Falk (ed,), India and Poland. Calcutta, 1941, ??-?? (with Hindi translations of Polish texts); “Early Indo-Slav Connections”, Proc. of the 6th Indian Hist. Congress, Aligarh, 1943, ??-??.

Król Himalajów. Bombay 1944 (‘The King of the Himalayas’).

– “The Five Jinas and the Five Colours of Consciousness”, Proc. AIOC 12, Banaras 1946, 430-433; “Arrière-plans védiques: dissimilation et catharsis de la conquête de l’accroissement vital”, OC Paris 1948 (1949), 214f. (241-245?); “Sat and asat”. Proc. AIOC 14, Darbhanga 1948, 117-120; “The Religion of the Dasyus”, Proc. IXth Intern. Congress for the History of Religions (Tokyo and Kyoto 1958), Tokyo 1960, 80-86; further short articles and reviews.

– “Indian elements in Slowacki’s thought”, Julius Slowacki, 1809-1949. Księga zbiorowa w stulecie zgonu. London 1951, 190-231.

Sources: Death noted in JRAS 1981; member lists of Société asiatique for 1948, 1951 & 1957, of the R.A.S. for 1976; few works in N.U.C.; Mario Gandini, Raffaele Pettazzoni dal gennaio 1934 all’estate 1935 Materiali per una biografia. Strada maestra. Quaderni della Biblioteca comunale “G. C. Croce” di San Giovanni in Persiceto 5, 2° semestre 2001, 205ff. with bibliography; *M. Mejor, biographical account in Falk’s Mit psychologiczny w dawnych Indiach. Kraków 2011, v-xvi with photo and bibliography (in Polish); *Polish Wikipedia.

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