OSBORNE, Łucja (Lucia, Ludka, née Lipszyc). 15.2.1904 — Landon 2.12.1987. Polish Disciple of Ramana Maharshi. Born in a large orthodox Jewish family (the most of them died in camps during WW II). She met Arthur O. in Warsaw, where he was teaching English. They were married in 1934 and 1936 moved to Yorkshire, England.  Later he taught at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. They were both deeply interested in spiritual matters and in 1941 went for a holiday to Kashmir, in order to meet a Sufi master. As the situation in Thailand was precarious, the husband returned alone and was interned, when Japanese occupied the country. His family moved to Tiruvannamalai to the house of a friend. There she became a pupil of Ramana Maharshi and eventually learned Tamil. When released the husband came also there and edited the ashram’s magazine until his death in 1970 (and then continued six years by her). In last years she was often in England because of health problems. They had two daughters and one son.

Publications: Wrote on Ramana Maharshi.

Sources: K. Osborne (her daughter) in Indika.pl with photo (in Polish and English).

Last Updated on 1 month by Admin


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