PALLAS, Peter Simon

PALLAS, Peter Simon. Berlin 22.9.1741 — Berlin 8.9.1811. German Botanist, Ethnologist, Naturalist and Linguist in Russian Service. Son of Simon Pallas (1694–1770), Professor of Surgery, and Susanne Lienhardi. Studies of medicine and natural sciences at Halle, Göttingen and Leiden ( there 1760). Invited by Catherine II joined St.Petersburg Academy in 1767. He made a famous expedition to South Russia and Siberia (as far as Baikal) in 1768–74, in south again 1793–94. In St.Petersburg he was a prominent scholar, highly appreciated by the empress. Last years from 1795 secluded life in Crimea, in Simferopol in an estate donated by the empress, and only returned to Berlin in 1810. Three times married, 1767 with widow von Wimpfen (d. 1781/82), 1783 with Maria Elisabeth (d. 1787) and finally with Catharina Pollmann (d. 1839), one daughter with the first and three with the second.

Publications: Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs. 1-3. St.P. 1771-76.

– Sammlungen historischer Nachrichten über die Mongolischen Völker­schaften. 1-2. 14+232+438 p. St.P. 1776-1801 (p. 386-409 on Tibet).

— “Nachrichten von Tybet, aus Erzählungen Tangutischer Lamen unter den Selenginskischen Mongolen”, Neue Nordische Beiträge 1, 1781, 201-222; “Etwas über die zu Astrachan wohnende Indianer”, NNB 3, 1782, 84-96 (Russian transl. in Vigasin 2008, 48-65).

– Much on botany, zoology, geology, etc., edited accounts of other explorers and the journal Neue Nordische Beyträge.

Sources: B.U. 33; R.W. Gärtner, N.D.B. 39, 2001, 14-16; *Fr. Razel, A.D.B. 25, 1887, 81-98; Walravens 2008, 156f.; Wikipedia with portrait.

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