PÉREZ-REMÓN, Joaquín.1922 — 1985. S.J. Father. Spanish Buddhist Scholar. Jesuit missionary in India. Then taught Oriental philosophy at Universidad Jesuita de Deusto in Bilbao. M.A., Ph.D. In his 1980 book he tried to show anatta being a late concept in the Nikāyas.
Publications: Agua bendita del Ganges. El siglo de las misiones. 206 p. Bilbao 1961.
– “Comments upon the Brahmajālasutta”, Boletin de la Asociacion Española de Orientalistas (BAEO) 14, 1978, 61-96; “The simile of the pith (sāra) in the Nikāyas and its bearing on the anattavāda”, BAEO 15, 1979, 71-93; “Questions of self and perception in the Poṭṭhapādasutta of the Dīghanikāya”, BAEO 16, 1980, 57-90; “The Self and the Production of Pleasure and Pain in Early Buddhism”, BAEO 17, 1981, 39-69; “Sundry questions on self in the Suttapiṭaka”, BAEO 18, 1982, 47-86; “Conceit in the Suttapiṭaka”, BAEO 19, 1983, 185-214.
– The Self and Non-Self in Early Buddhism. 12+412 p. Religion and Reason 22. the Hague 1980.
– Misticismo Oriental y Misticismo Cristiano: Caso Típico, Teresa De Jesús. 259 p. Bilbao 1985.
Sources: *J. Echerri Goicoechea, Pensamiento 41, 1985, 392; https://dialnet.unirioja.es/descarga/articulo/3210681.pd (2009).
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