FIGUEIREDO, António Pereira Cândido de. Lobão da Beira, Tondela 19.9.1846 — Lisbon 26.9.1925. Portuguese Linguist, Journalist and Poet interested in India. Son of Francisco de F. After studies of theology and classics at Viseu (ordained priest 1867, later abandoned priesthood) worked as a teacher, in 1869-74 studied law at Coimbra. From 1876 lawyer in Lisbon, soon also served in Ministério do Reino. From 1882 teacher at Liceu Central de Lisboa, later served in the Ministery of Justice. From 1893 civil governor of Vila-Real. From 1874 corresponding member of Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, from 1878 of French Société Asiatique, from 1902 of Spanish Academy, later also of Brazilian Academy. Vice-Consul of Mexico. Attended the Oriental Conference in London. Married c. 1875 Mariana Angelica de Andrade.
Publications: A number of poetry, translations, general and Portuguese linguistics (especially Nova Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. 1-2. Lisbon 1899), literature, etc.
– Translated (from French?): Morte de Yaginadatta. Episodio do poema epico o Ramayana. 24 p. Coimbra 1873.
– A penalidade na India segundo o Código de Manu. 20 p. Lisboa 1892.
– A study of the language of Camões and a translation related to Vasco da Gama.
Sources: Grande Encyclop. Portuguesa e Brasileira 11, 300-302; Wikipedia with portrait (also Portuguese and Spanish versions).
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