FITZCLARENCE, George Augustus Frederick, First Earl of Munster. London 29.1.1794 — London 20.3.1842. British Officer and Traveller. Illegitimate son of William IV and Dorothea Bland (née Jordan, from Ireland). Served as officer in Napoleonic wars and 1815-18 in India. Major-General. Earl and Privy Councillor 1833. Married 1819 Mary Wyndham (1792–1842), three daughters and four sons. He was not satisfied with his position, suffered of mental instability and committed suicide.

Publications: Journal of a route across India, through Egypt to England, in the latter end of the year 1817, and the beginning of 1818. 24+502 p. L. 1819; war memories.

Sources: H.M.C[hichester], D.N.B. 19, 1889, 106f.; *K.D. Reynolds, Oxford D.N.B.; Wikipedia with portrait.

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