ROBERTSON, Elphinstone Pourtales. 1831 — Middlesex 30.1.1912. British Civil Servant in India. Educated at Haileybury. Arrived at Bombay in 1851, worked in Surat, Ahmedabad, Colaba, etc. in Gujarat, from 1869 in Dharwar. From 1876 Revenue and Police Commissioner for Southern Division, 1878 Commissioner of Central Division. Retired 1886.
Publications: Vocabulary English and Hindustani. 16+220 p. L. 1852.
– A Dictionary, English and Gujarati. 15+330 p. Bombay 1854.
– Glossary of Gujaratee Revenue and Official Terms. 80 p. Bombay 1857.
Sources: Bombay Civil List. 1877; The India List and India Office List for 1905. L. 1905, 602; birth and death for E.P.R. in probably refer to him, tells that E.P.R. married 1875 Isabella Hexton.
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