FORTUNATOV, Filipp Fëdorovič. Vologda 14(2).1.1848 — Kosalma near Petrozavodsk 3.10.(20.9.)1914. Russian Indologist and Linguist. Son of Fëdor Nikolaevič F., a teacher, and Julija Aleksandrovna Monakova (d. 1857). Studies at Moscow under Petrov and others, graduated in 1868. Then further studies in 1872-73 at Tübingen (Roth), Berlin (Weber), Leipzig (Curtius, Leskien) and Paris (Bergaigne, Bréal). From Paris also visited England. Mag. 1875 Moscow. In 1874-76 Oberlehrer at a gymnasium in Moscow. From 1875 Docent at Moscow University. Dr. 1884. From 1884 eo. Professor and from 1886 Professor of comparative linguistics there, also taught Sanskrit. From 1902 member of Imperial Academy (correspondant 1895), now moved to St.Petersburg. Hon. dr. 1911 Christiania (Oslo). Founder of the “Fortunatov’s law”. Among his students were M. N. Peterson, A. I. Tomson and many noted Slavic scholars.
Publications: Mag.diss. Sāmaveda Āraṇyaka Saṁhitā. M. 1875 (ed. & Russian tr.).
– “L+Dental im Altindischen”, BB 6, 1881, 215-220.
– “Indoevropejskie iravnye soglanie v drevneindijskom jazyke”, Χαριστηρία, sbornik statej v cesti F. E. Korša 1896, German translation by F. Solmsen, “Die idg. liquiden im Altindischen”, KZ 36, 1898, 1-37.
– Much on IE and Slavic linguistics, e.g. Kratkij očerk sravitel’noj fonetika indo-evropejskih jazykov. 6+281 p. Petrograd 1922.
– Izbrannye trudy. 1-2. М. 1956.
Sources: Bongard-Levin & Vigasin, Image of India 97f.; *V. Jagić from Šahmatov, Archiv für slav. Philol. 37, 1918-20, 241-251; *R. Lewicki, Lex. Gramm. 1996, 303f.; *A.A. Šahmatov, Bull. Imp. Acad. 6:8:14, 1914, 967-976; M. Vasmer, Idg. Jahrb. 8, 1920/21, 266-269 (with bibliography, 270f.); *Vigasin et al., Istorija otečestvennogo vostokovedenija s serediny XIX veka do 1917 goda. Moscow 1997, 24f.; *Vigasin 2008, 196-198 with photo; *O.A. Vološina, “The Role of Sanskrit in the Development of the Linguistic Theory of F. F. Fortunatov”, Proc. of Petrozavodsk Univ. 180, 2019, 81-88; Bolšč. Sov. Ènc. 27; French Wikipédia; Russian Vikipedija with photo and further Russian references; J. Lauterbach in
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