FRAENKEL, Ernst Eduard Samuel. Berlin 16.10.1881 — Hamburg 2.10.1957. German IE, Greek, and Balto-Slavic Linguist. Professor in Kiel and Hamburg. Son of Albert Fr. (1848–1916), a specialist of internal medicine in Berlin, and Gertrud Strassmann. From 1899 studies of Sanskrit, classics and Indo-European at Bonn and Berlin (W. Schulze). Ph.D. 1905 Berlin, then further studies at Leipzig under Leskien. PD 1909 Kiel. During WW I in army, returned 1918 to Kiel, from 1916 ao. and 1920 ord. Professor there, in 1936 forced to retire because of his Jewish background (although himself Lutheran) and moved to Hamburg. From 1945 Lecturer (Lehrstuhlvertretung) at Hamburg, retired 1953. Married with Valerie Föhl. At Kiel occasionally taught also Avesta.

Publications: Diss. on Greek denominativa. 1905; Geschichte der griechischen Nomina agentis auf -ter -tor -tes (-t). 1-2, Straßburg 1910-20 (vol. 1. was his hab.diss.).

– “Zur tocharischen Grammatik”, IF 50, 1932, 1-20, 97-108, 220-231.

Die baltischen Sprachen. Ihre Beziehungen zueinander und zu den Schwesteridiomen als Einführung in die baltische Sprachwissenschaft. 126 p. Heidelberg 1950, other works on Lithuanian.

Articles in KZ, etc.

Sources: *B. Schlerath, Dict. Gramm. 1996, 307; D.B.E. 3, 1996; D.G.K. 8th ed. 1954; K. Jordan & E. Hofmann, Gesch. der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel 1665-1965. 5:2. Neumünster 1969, 244f.; *F. Scholz, Orbis 5, 1965, 561-569 with bibliography; U. Maas, rather detailed account of his life and works in Verfolgung und Auswanderung deutschsprachiger Sprachforscher 1933-1945 in; Wikipedia (little more in German version).

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