FREJMAN, Aleksandr Arnol’dovič

FREJMAN, Aleksandr Arnol’dovič. Warsaw 10.(22.)8.1879 — Leningrad 19.1.1968. Russian Iranist, specialist in Middle Iranian. Professor in Leningrad. Son of an official. After gymnasium in Warsaw in 1889-99, studies of Indo-Iranian and Armenian at Oriental Faculty (under Salemann, Žukovskij, Ol’denburg, Ščerbackoj and Marr) and of linguistics (under Bulič and Baudouin de Courtenay) at St.Petersburg University. In 1903 went to Giessen for further study of Iranian under Bartholomae. Ph.D. 1906 Giessen. In 1917 Mag. examination and PD at Oriental Faculty in St. Petersburg. In 1918-20 also taught at Perednoaziackij Institut in Moscow, in 1920-24 at Petrograd Institute of Living Oriental Languages. From 1919 (or 1927) Professor at Oriental Faculty in Petrograd, from 1938 Professor with chair (Iranian philology) at Leningr. Gosud. Universitet. Retired in 1950. From 1928 corresponding member of AN SSSR, 1934 Doktor jazykovedenija and sotrudnik at Oriental Institut of the Academy, until his death.

Frejman was a many-sided linguistic scholar, whose interests extended from Avesta to Sogdian and Chorezmian, even to Farsi. In the 1930s head of the Russian Academy’s Sogdian expedition in Soviet Central Asia (Mount Mug). He had many students, e.g. Oranskij and Livšic.

Publications: Diss. Pand-Nāmak i Zaratušt. Der Pahlavi-Text mit Übersetzung, krit. und Erklärungsnoten. Extract of 35 p. Vienna 1906, whole work publ. in WZKM 20, 1906, 149-166 & 237-280.

– More than one hundred publications, e.g.: “Srednepersidskij jazyk i ego mesto sredi iranskih jazykov”, Vost. zap. 1, 1927, 47-59.

– Edited: V. F. Miller: Osetinsko-russko-nemeckij slovar’. 1-3. Lg. 1927-34.

– Horecmijskij jazyk. Materialy i issledovanija. 1. 118 p. M.-Lg. 1951.

– “Toharskij vopros i ego razrešenie v otečestvennoj nauke”,UZLUG 1952:3, 123-135.

– “Tri sogdijskih dokumenta s gory Mug”, Probl. Vostokoved. 1959:1, 120-134.

– Opisanie, publikacii i issledovanie dokumentov s gory Mug. 92 p. Sogdijskie dokumenty s gory Mug 1. M. 1962.

Sources: Miliband 1977 & 1995; I.M. Oranskij, NAA 1968:3, 224-227 (with photo); *I.M. Oranskij, Sov. vostokovedenija 1959:4, 217-222 (with bibliography and photo); Wikipedia very briefly as Freiman, long article in Russian version with photo.

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