GAÁL, László. Karcag 22.1.1891 — Karcag 13.6.1964. Hungarian Classical and Iranian Scholar. Professor in Debrecen. Studies of classical and Oriental languages at Kolozsvár University (under Gy. Németh and J. Csengeri), Ph.D. there 1913. Originally he was mainly a classical philologist and taught at secondary school in Nagy Kőrös, 1928-48 Director of gymnasium in Karcag. In the 1920s studies of Indology and Iranian at Göttingen under Sieg, R. Fick and Andreas. As a schoolteacher retired in 1948. In 1948-58 taught IE linguistics at Loránd Eötvös University in Budapest, from 1957 Professor of Classical Philology at Lajos Kossuth University in Debrecen.
Publications: Diss. Bacchylides hang és alaktana. 73 p. Kolozvár 1913 (Phonetics and Morphology of B.).
– Latin kiejtés. Debrecen 1926 (Latin pronunciation); textbooks of Latin; Hungarian translations of Horace and Ovid (Fasti. 1954; Amores. 1961).
– “Zur Frage des awestischen und uriranischen o”, K. Csoma Arch. 1, 1925, 389-403; “Die siebenundvierzigste Yasna des Awesta”, K. Csoma Arch. 2, 1926-32, 116-124; “Über eine Stelle der zoroastrischen Gathas (Yasna XXX, 7)”, ZII 7, 1929, 232-250; “La formule Ahuna Vairya de l’Avesta”, AOHu 1, 1950-51, 80-92; “Zur Interpretation der awestischen Gathas”, AOHu 2, 1952, 173-181; “Zur Frage des awestischen und uriranischen”, K. Csoma Arch. 1967, 389-408.
– “A tokhár nép és nyelve”, K. Csoma Arch. 2, 1926-32, 244-267 (The Tocharians and their language); “Ursprung des ossetischen Verbalpräfixes ra-”, AOHu 11 (Fs. Németh), 1960, 145-160.
Sources: E. Apor, AOHu 18, 1965, 381f.;; Magyar életrajzi lexikon (online).
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