GABAIN, Annemarie von

GABAIN, Annemarie von. Mörchingen (Morhange in Lorraine) 4.7.1901 — Berlin 15.1.1993. German Central Asian (Turcic) Scholar. Professor in Hamburg. Daughter of Arthur v. G., an officer (later General) with Huguenot background and Catholic mother, school in Mainz and Brandenburg. Studied first from 1920 mathematics and natural science at Berlin, from 1923 Turcology under —> Bang and Sinology under —> Haenisch and —> O. Franke. In 1925 she started working on Turkic Turfan fragments, in collaboration with Bang. Ph.D. 1930 Berlin in Sinology. In 1931-32 further studies in Peking, in 1935-37 visiting Professor of Sinology at Ankara University. From 1939 PD at Berlin, until 1945. From 1939 member of NSDAP, collaborated with SS. After the war lived in Bad Reichenhall, Bavaria, from 1949 apl. Professor für Turkologie und Chinesischen Buddhismus at Hamburg University. Retired in 1966, but continued work until her death. In 1980-91 living in Anger bei Bad Reichenhall (Bavaria), finally in Berlin.

A. von Gabain was a famous specialist of Buddhist Uigur and Old Turkic texts, also interested in Buddhist iconography and in the material culture of Central Asia. Beside Uigur, she was also specially interested in Uzbek and Kazak. During a visit to China in 1982 she had finally occasion to visit Turfan.

Publications: Diss. on a Chinese “Fürstenspiegel”. B. 1930.

Edited with W. Bang: Türkische Turfantexte. 1-6. B. 1929-34; “Uigurische Studien. Das Sündenbekenntnis auã dem Suvarṇaprabhãsa”, Ungarische Jahrbücher 10, 1930, 193-210; edited F. W. K. Müller’s posthumous “Uigurica. IV.”, SBeAW 1931, 675-727 (Daśakarma–pathāvadānamālā).

Habil.diss. publ. as Alttürkische Grammatik. 357 p. Lp. 1941, 2nd ed. 1950, 3nd ed. 398 p. 1974.

Özbekische Grammatik. 278 p. Lp. 1945; Alt-türkisches Schrifttum. 24 p. SDAW 1948:3. B. 1950.

Edited: Türkische Turfantexte. 8. Texte in Brahmischrift. 105 p. 2 pl. ADAW 1952:7. B. 1954.

Edited: Türkische Turfantexte. 10. Das Avadāna des Dämons Āṭavaka. Bearb. von Tadeusz Kowalski, aus dem Nachlass hrsg. von A. v. Gabain. 60 p. ADAW 1958:1. B. 1959.

Edited: Maitrisimit. Faksimile der alttürkischen Version eines Werkes der buddhistischen Vaibhāṣika-Schule. 1-2. 69+93 p. 227 pl. B. 1957-61.

Das uigurische Königreich von Chotscho, 850–1250. 81 p. SDAW 1961:5. B. 1961; Das Leben im uigurischen Königreich von Qočo. 1-2. 251+106 p. 235 ill. Veröff. Soc. Uralo-Altaica 8. Wb. 1973.

– Die Drucke der Turfan-Sammlung. 40 p. 14 pl. SDAWBerlin 1967:1

Einführung in die Zenralasienkunde. 7+186 p. Darmstadt 1979.

Other works, articles and reviews.

Sources: *R.F. Hahn, “The published works of A.v.G.: a bibliography”, CAJ 35, 1991, 1-40; *J.P. Laut, FUF 52, 1995, 367-374; K. R[öhrborn?], Scholia. Beiträge zur Turkologie und Zentralasienkunde. A.v.G. zum 80. Geburtstag Veröff. der Soc. Uralo-Altaica. ix-xiii (with photo, then also in Titus Galeria); P. Zieme, ZDMG 144, 1994, 239-249 with photo and additions to bibliography & Encyclop. Iranica 10:3, 2000, 235-237; D.G.K. 1987; Wikipedia (more in German version).

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