GAMPERT, Vilém (Wilhelm). Prague 29.6.1902 — Prague 14.3.1987. Czech Indologist. Studied Indology at German University of Prague under Winternitz and O. Stein. Ph.D. there 1928. From 1929 worked in university library, in 1939-45 in German army. In 1945-78 he was a scientific worker at Oriental Institute of the Charles University and at Academy of Sciences in Prague (mainly cataloguing books).
Publications: Diss. 1927/28 publ. as Die Sühnezeremonien in der altindischen Rechtsliteratur. 289 p. Monografie Archivu Orientálniho 6. Prag 1939.
– Review of Losch, Die Yājñavalkya-Smrti, Indol. Pragensia 1, 1929, 87-97.
– Edited with O. Stein: Festschrift Moriz Winternitz. 14+357 p. Lp. 1933; alone “Moriz Winternitz”, IHQ 14, 1938, ix–xxi.
– With O. Stein: Bibliography of Winternitz, ArO 6, 1934, 275-291; with E. Herold: “In memoriam Oldřich Friš 7.V.1903 – 14.I.1955”, ArO 23, 1955, 497-505.
– “Zur Problematik des Alters des Ṛgveda”, ArO 20, 1952, 572-583.
– “Nejstarší civilisace pravěké Indie”, Nový Orient 9:10, 1954, 154-156; “Prehistorie hinduismu”, D. Zbavitel et al., Bozi, bráhmani, lidé. Čtyři tisíciletí hinduismu. 1964, 11-14.
– With Hana Knížková, Miloslav Krása, Jan Marek, Eliška Merhautová, and Božena Pejpková: Moudrost a umění starých Indů – sborník o staré indické kultuře. 330 p. Prague 1971.
Sources: *J. Marek, Nový Orient 42, 1987, 183; Kdo byl kdo – čeští a slovenští orientalisté; D.G.K. 1954 (in later editions mentioned, but without any further information);; L.F. Peluněk iném_29.6.1902-14.3.1987 (in Czech).
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