STARK(E), J. (James?)

STARK(E), James (or John?). Kirkcudbright 5.5.1798 — Troqueer Holm near Dumfries 8.11.1879. Hon. British (Scottish) Lawyer in Sri Lanka. From 1824 lawyer in Edinburgh. Queen’s Advocate in Ceylon 1838-40, then Puisne Justice of Supreme Court in Colombo (still 1849). In 1845 the first President of the Ceylon Branch of R.A.S. Married Miss John Hamilton Gibson (d. 1859), two sons.

Publications: In JRAS-CB: “On some of the coins, ancient and modern, of Ceylon”, 1:3, 1847-48, 149-162 & 1:4, 1847-48, 157-170; “Notes on some of the Forms of Salutation and Address known among the Singhalese”, 2:3 (7), 1853, 67-81; two papers on the state of crime in Ceylon.

Sources: (James Starke); Wikipedia (defective, calling hin John, but adding that some call him James); stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 4 months by Admin


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