STARK(E), John/James (?)

STARK(E), John/James (?). Kirkcudbright 5.5.1798 — 1859. Hon. British (Scottish) Lawyer in Sri Lanka. From 1824 lawyer in Edinburgh. Queen’s Advocate in Ceylon 1838-40, then Puisne Justice of Supreme Court in Colombo (still 1849). The first President of the Ceylon Branch of R.A.S. Married Miss Gibson, two sons.

Publications: In JRAS-CB: “On some of the coins, ancient and modern, of Ceylon”, 1:3, 1847-48, 149-162 & 1:4, 1847-48, 157-170; “Notes on some of the Forms of Salutation and Address known among the Singhalese”, 2:3 (7), 1853, 67-81; two papers on the state of crime in Ceylon.

Sources: Wikipedia (defective); stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 1 year by Admin


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