GARRETT, John. 8.11.1815 — 20.6.1893. Rev. British Methodist Missionary and Clergyman in India. Originally a printer. Came to India in 1839, now took ministry. In 1858 retired from Mission and became the first Direktor of the new Central High School in Bangalore. In 1868 returned to the U.K., but returned soon and became Director of Public Instruction in Mysore (1871 there, but some claim also before 1868). Married 1842 Sophia Austin, —> B. L. Rice was their son-in-law.

Publications: The Bhagavad-Gita, or dialogues of Krishna and Arjun, in Sanscrit, Canara and English. 16+147 p. Bangalore 1848 (Schlegel’s text, own Ḱannaḍa, Wilkins’ English).

A Manual Canarese and English Dictionary. 622 p. Bangalore 1851, 2nd ed. Ibid. 1863, 3rd ed. Ibid. 1871, rev. ed. appeared as: A Canarese–English Pocket Dictionary for the use of schools. Mangalore 1886 (Garrett’s Dictionary rev. and enl. on basis of W. Reeve’s Dictionary as abridged and ed. by D. Sanderson); A Manual English and Canarese Dictionary containing about 23,000 words. 5th rev. & enl. ed. Banga­lore 1872.

The History of India, for Use in Schools. 425 p. Bangalore 1857.

Edited: The Pancha-tantra or Panchopakhyana, five collections of Stories. A Canarese version. 17+158 p. Bangalore 1864; Kathāmañjarī, or Bunch of Stories. 2nd ed. 12+168 p. Bangalore 1866; Śabdamaṇidarpaṇa. 1864.

A Classical Dictionary of India, illustrative of the mythology, philosophy, literature, antiquities, arts, manners, customs etc. of the Hindus. 805+160 p. Madras 1871-73, and many editions.

Sources: Indologica Digitalisate; The Hindu 28.11.2013; stray notes in Internet – but many details of his career remain uncertain, birth and death dates were finally found in, then also in; Wikipedia (defective).

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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