STEWART, Robert. Ardvorlich, Perthshire 15.9.1829 — 6.6.1882. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer in India. Colonel. Son of Major William Murray Stewart and Charlotte Debnam. Lieutenant, then Captain of Bengal Army. From 1856 Assistant Superintendent, then Deputy Commissioner of Cachar in Assam (1867). Married 1860 Charlotte Joanna Murray, one daughter.
Publications: “Notes on Northern Cacher”, JASB 24, 1855, 582-701 (on the Nagas and their languages); “A slight Notice of the Grammar of the Thadou or new Kookie language”, JASB 25, 1856, 178-188.
– Sujit Choudhury (ed.): The mutiny period in Cachar. 4+54+2 p. Silchar – Calcutta 1981 (correpondence of R.S., 1857-58).
Sources:; dates and family details in
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