STRUTT, Charles Henry

STRUTT, Charles Henry. 8.9.1833 — 27.11.1908. British Colonial Officer in India. Joined Bombay artillery 1853 and served in 1857 insurrection. Major 1864. He achieved a considerable collection of Indo-Greek and Indian coins, which he brought to the U.K. when he retired in 1866. Living in 1901. Major Ch.H.S. (the same?), son of John S. of Denham, Essex, married 1878 Madeline Gresley (The Essex County Standard 1878;16, 10). In 1903 Major Ch. H. Strutt, of Indian army, and his wife Madeline were involved in a case of fraud with spiritism.

Publications: On a coin of Sophytus, ProcASB 1866, 106 (just a few lines).

Sources: Stray notes in Internet;

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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