SZAJAN, Włodzimir (Volodimir Petrovič Šajan)

SZAJAN, Włodzimir (Wołodymyr Petrovycz, Ukr. Volodimir Petrovič Šajan). Lemberg (then Austrian, now L’viv) 2.8.1906 — London 15.7.1974. Ukrainian Nationalist and Religious Enthusiast interested in Sanskrit. With his hometown became Polish citizen after WW I. Studied at Lwów (L’viv) philosophy, literature and Sanskrit (Stasiak). From 1934 on he propagated a “pan-Aryan” Slavic neopagan spiritual doctrine in opposition to National Socialism. In 1944 he had to flee from Lwów. The rest of his life he spent in exile in London.

Publications: Hymny Rygwedy (wiązka pierwsza). 45 p. Lwów 1936 (in Polish).

– Religious works, etc.

Sources: Wikipedia (as Volodymyr Shaian), more in Polish and especially in *Ukrainian (with photo) version.

Last Updated on 4 months by Admin


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