GEMELLI CARERI (G. CARRERI), Giovanni Francesco. Radicena, Terranova 1651 (1661?) — Naples 25.7.1725. Italian Traveller. Studies at a Jesuit college in Naples. Dr.iuris. Worked as magistrate in Naples and travelled in Europe. In 1693 started a voyage round the world, during which he visited India in 1695. The voyage started from Naples, went via Egypt–Constantinople–Trebizond–Esfahan to India, where he visited the military camp of Aurangzeb meeting himself the old emperor and giving in his journal an apt analysis of the political situation. The voyage went on via China and Philippines to Mexico and back to Europe.
Publications: Journal, Giro del mondo, published in 6 vols. Naples 1699-1700, English transl. Voyage round the World, publ. in the 18th century in Astley’s collection vol. 3 and in Churchill’s vol. 4 (L. 1704); new transl. by S. N. Sen, Indian Travels of Thévenot and Careri. N.D. 1949.
– Books about European travels.
Sources: *P. Doria, D.B.I. 53, 1999, 42-45; Oaten 1909, 232-237; Tucci 2005, 90-92; Wikipedia with portrait (see also the Italian version).
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