GHIRSHMAN, Tania (born Antoinette Levienne). Constantinople 1900 — 1984. The wife and competent helper of —> Roman Gh., like him, of Ukrainian origin. Daughter of a merchant, spent early years in Russia (Baku), but when she was six, the family moved to Paris. She became a dental surgeon, but rejected this soon after her marriage, which took place in 1931. “She drew the illustrations for his works and helped in the restorative work on the excavated objects.”
Publications: Works together with her husband, q.v.
– Archéologue malgré moi. Vie cotidienne d’une mission archéologique en Iran. 431 p. 42 pl. Neuchâtel 1970.
Sources: with a detailed biography by Agnes Spycket as PDF; Wikipedia, with a group photo including both Roman and Tania.
Last Updated on 9 months by Admin