GLASER, Karel (Karol Glazer)

GLASER, Karel (Karol Glazer). Kötsch bei Marburg (now Hočen nöw Maribor, in Slovenia) 3.2.1845 — ibid. 18.7.1913. Austrian (Slovenian) Indologist. Schoolteacher in Trieste. Son of Franc Gl. and Ana Trnjak, gymnasium in Maribor. In 1865-68 studies of classical philology and Slavistics at Vienna, further studies at Berlin. For a while tutor in his home town, then teacher in Leoben, Cilli (Celje), Pettau (Ptuj), Krainburg (Kranj, 1874-77), and Weidenau (Vidnem v Šleziji). Ph.D. 1883 Vienna in Sanskrit. In 1880-1900 he taught at Stadtgymnasium in Trieste, seeking for a chair without success. Retired in 1900. Married Thekla Maria (divorce?), one daughter and one son.

Glaser was a Slavic and Sanskrit scholar, whose magnum opus was the great history of Slovenian literature. As an Indologist he is mainly known as the editor of Bāṇa’s Pārvatīpariṇayanāṭaka, but he also translated Sanskrit literature into Slovenian.

Publications: Diss. “Über Bâṇa’s Pârvatîpariṇayanâṭaka”, S.W.A. 104, 1883, 575-664 (text edition and critical study).

– “Ob indoevropskih jezikih”, Slovenski narod (Ljubljana) 1876, 45 p. (transl. from Whitney’s English); “Epiške indske pripovedke in pravljice”, Kres 3-4, 1882-84; further articles in Slovenian on India, IE lin­guistics, and Slovenian poetry.

Translated: Indijska Talija. 1. Urváši. Indijska drama Kâlidâsova. 126 p. Trieste 1885; 2. Mâlavikâ in Agnimitra. Indijska drama Kâlidâsova. 100 p. 1886; 3. Sakuntalâ ali “Prstan spoznanja”. 126 p. 1908.

– “Rigveda I, 143. text, Übersetzung und Commentar”, Progr. Triest 1885, 24 p.

Translated: “Pârvatîs Hochzeit. Ein indischer Schauspiel”, Progr. Triest 1886, 9+38 p.; “Damajantica žaluje po soprogu, iz Mahâbhârata”, SN (prim. Glaser) 4, 205; also translated from Persian, Shakespeare’s dramas, etc.

– “Das indische Student auf Grund der Dharmaśāstra- und Gṛhyasūtra-Literatur”, ZDMG 66, 1912, 1-37.

Zgodovina slovenskaga slovstva. 1-4. Ljubljana 1894-1900.

Sources: Ö.B.L. 1815–1950. 2, 1959, 4; Slovenski Biografski Leksikon. 1. Ljubljana 1925-32; Vyncke, Annuaire 20, 1973, 532f.; parents and family in; German Wikipedia briefly, with photo (more details in *Slovenian version).

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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