GLEHN, Edmund Theophil de (von). Reval (Tallinn) 3.1.1800 — Ibid. 20.1.1884. Baltic German Physician interested in India. Son of Peter von Glehn (1751–1823), a merchant, and Mary/Margaretha Elisabeth Clayhills. Worked as Court Medicus for the Czar in St.Petersburg and collaborated with —> R. Lenz. Married Emilie Auguste Rosenbaum (1820–1894), seven children, the cellist Alfred de Glehn (in Wikipedia).
The article is only signed by “Dr. Glehn in St.P.”. His identity thus remains unconfirmed, but as the Baltic German surname is very rare (just one family?), it seems rather certain.
Publications: Wrote on the Suśruta in Fricke & Oppenheimer (edd.), Zeitschrift für die gesammte Medicin 7, Hamburg 1838, 1-15; medical works.
Sources: Ref. in Gildemeister n. 538; not in A.D.B., Dt. biogr. Archiv 1st & 2nd series, Poggendorf; no works in Ges.Verz.; not mentioned in the Deutschbalt. biogr. Lex.; stray notes in Internet (mainly genealogical).
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