WADE, Thomas Russell. 1839? — 23.10.1914, when 75. Rev. British Missionary in India. Educated at C.M.S. College in Islington. Arrived at Calcutta 1862, ordained there 1863. In 1862-1907 worked for Church Missionary Society in Peshawar (1862-72), Lahore (1872-76), Srinagar (1876-82), Amritsar (1882-1902) and Batala, retired in 1907. Back in England he became Vicar of Shrewton in Wiltshire (1908-13). In Kashmir he was organizing famine relief. Married 1882 Anna Elizabeth Blake (1848–1931), at least one daughter.
Publications: A Grammar of the Kashmiri Language as spoken in the Valley of Kashmir, North India. 159 p. L. 1888.
– Religious writings and translations into Kashmiri.
Sources: *C. E. Tyndall, Th.R.W.: A Pioneer in Kashmir. 12 p. L. 1921; brief obituary in Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 39, 1915-17, 117; justus.anglican.org/resources/bcp/Muss-Arnolt/part4a.htm; wife in findagrave.com.
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