GOLDZIHER, Ignász (Ignác, Ignaz G. Yitzhak Yehuda G.). Székesfehérvár 22.6.1850 — Budapest 13.11.1921. Hungarian Oriental (Hebrew and Arabic) Scholar. Professor in Budapest. Born in a Sephardic Jewish family, son of Adolf G. Obtained both gymnasial and Talmudic education. From 1865 studies at Pest (Vámbéry), Berlin (Rödiger) and Leipzig (Fleischer). Ph.D. 1870 Leipzig (diss. on a Jewish-Arabic Bible commentary), then manuscript studies in Leiden and Vienna. Teacher at a Jewish school in Budapest. From 1872 PD and from 1894 tit.ord. Professor at Budapest University. In 1873-74 travels in Syria, Palestine and Egypt. Academician 1892. Hon. Dr. Cambridge and Aberdeen. A famous scholar of Arabic and Islam. Married 1878 Laura Mittler, two sons.
Goldziher was mainly a scholar of Arabic and Islam, whose wide interests also comprised other religions, but he also made important work on Hebrew. He compiled much appreciated bibliographies and was known of his helpfulness towards colleagues. He was active as a reformist Jew.
Publications: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachgelehrsamkeit bei den Arabern. SWA 1871-73; Beiträge zur Literaturgeschichte der Shia. SWA 78, 1874, 439-524; Der Mythos bei den Hebräern. 31+402 p. Lp. 1876; Mohammedanische Studien. 1-2. Halle 1889-90 (also in English); Vorlesungen über den Islam. 10+341 p. Heidelberg 1910 (also in English, French, etc.); and many other works, also wrote on Judaistic themes.
– “Islamisme et Parsisme”, RHR 43, 1901, 1-29; A Buddhismus hatása az Iszlámra. 44 p. Budapest 1903 (The influence of Buddhism upon Islam).
– Tagebuch. Ed. Alexander Scheiber. 342+16 p. Leiden 1978.
Sources: Ö.B.L. 2; *JRAS 1922; Fück 1955, 225-231; *R. Hartmann, ZDMG 76, 1922, 285-290; *B. Heller, Bibliographie des œuvres de Ignace Goldziher, avec une introd. biographique de M. Louis Massignon. Publ. de É.N.L.O.V. P. 1927; L. Massignon, RHR 86, 1922, 61-72; *J. Németh, AOHu 1, 1950-51, 7-25; Wikipedia with two photos (still more information in German version).
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