GOLOUBEW, Victor (Viktor Viktorovič Golubev). St.Petersburg 12.2.1878 — Hanoi 19.4.1945. Russian Art Historian in France. Born in a Crimean aristocratic family, son of engineer Viktor Fëdorovič G. (1842–1903) and Anna Petrovna Losev. In 1896-1900 studies of engineering in St.Petersburg, but was also led to history and archaeology by M. I. Rostovcev. In 1901-04 further studies at Heidelberg, Ph.D. 1904 in German Philology, then settled with his wife in Paris, moved in high society. He is described as a rich layman from Crimea, who became early interested in Indian, Iranian and South-East Asian art. In 1910-11 travelled in India and Ceylon, photographed Ajaṇṭā (publ. 1927) and many other sites. Then taught Indian art at É.L.O.V. In WW I colonel of French Red Cross organizing ambulances. After having lost his property in revolution he sold his famous collection of Asian art, took French citizenship (1925) and worked in 1920-43 at É.F.E.O. in Hanoi (but often visited France). In 1900 married Nathalie de Cross (Natal’ja Kross), who then left him with Gabriele d’Annunzio (1908). They had two sons. A virtuoso of violin. Died of an illness during the Japanese occupation.
Goloubew was an important pioneer of art photography (Ajaṇṭā). At É.F.E.O. he made important studies on Angkor, arranged their exhibitions in France and developed aerial photography (first for military purposes during WW I). Often he worked in collaboration with his friend L. Finot. From WW I he was a friend of Pétain and during WW II supported him and tried to develop Franco-Japanese relations.
Publications: Peintures bouddhiques aux Indes. 34 p. 12 pl. A.M.G., Bibl. de Vulg. 40. P. 1914.
– “Le falaise d’Arjuna de Mavalipuram et la descente de la Gangâ sur la terre, selon le Râmâyana et le Mahâbhârata”, JA 11:4, 1914, 210-212, 1 pl.; “La descente de la Ganga sur Terre”, Ars asiatica 3, 1921, 23-25, pl. 27-48.
– Documents pour servire à l’étude d’Ajanta. Les peintures de la première Grotte. 48 p. 71 pl. Ars as. 10. Bruxelles 1927.
– “Le temple de la Dent à Kandy”, BEFEO 32, 1932, 441-474; “Essais sur l’art de l’Indus”, BEFEO 38, 1938, 255-280.
– Much on South-East Asian art in BEFEO, etc., e.g. Le Temple d’Angkor Vat. 2. La sculpture ornamentale du temple. 1-2. 18 p. pl. 151-286. E.F.E.O., Mém. arch. 2. P. 1930; articles on South and East Asian art, etc.
Sources: *J. Auboyer, Art.As. 10, 1947, 64-68; H. von Glasenapp, Lebensreise. 1964, 64; *R.L. briefly in Revue arch. 6:35, 1950, 102; L. Malleret, BEFEO 53:2, 1967, 331-373 (with bibliography of 142 numbers); *Ju. N. Rërih & B. N. Vampilov, Problemy vostokoved. 1959:3, 214f.; P. Singaravélou, D.O.L.F. 453f.; Chercheurs d’Asie 120-123; not in D.B.F.; French Wikipédia with photo (based on *Russian Vikipedija).
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