GORÉ, Francis Louis Noël. Saint-James (Coutances) 25.12.1883 — Voiron (Isère) 14.10.1954. French Missionary. Joined Franciscan order and attended the seminary of Missions étrangères, then studies of theology at Penang College, ordained there priest 1907. Served in various stations of the Tibet Mission, in 1931-52 at Tsechung (now Cizhong in Tibetan Autonomic Region). Expelled from China in 1952 he came to Switzerland and taught Tibetan in Lausanne, then retired to Voreppe (Isère). Died of cancer. He was fluent in Tibetan and Chinese.
Publications: “Notes sur les marches tibétaines du Sseu-tch’ouan et du Yun-nan”, BEFEO 23, 1923, 319-398.
– Résumé de grammaire indigène tibétaine. 209 p. Tsechung 1934.
– “La Chine nationaliste et communiste au pays des lamas”, Politique étrangère 19, 1953, 475-492.
– With P. Giraudeau, Dictionnaire français-tibétain. Tibet oriental. 310+24 p. P. 1956.
– Trente ans aux portes du Thibet interdit: 1906–1938. Hong Kong 1939, new ed. 408 p. P. 1992.
Sources: French Wikipédia with some further references.
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