GOUGH, Archibald Edward. London 2.3.1845 — 1915 (buried 20.12.1915 in Guernsey). British Teacher and Indologist in India. Son of Alexander Richard G. (architect in London) and Mary Ann Bainbridge, educated at Lincoln College. Studies at Oxford (M.A.). Anglo-Sanskrit Professor at Government College in Benares in 1868-77, then 1877-86 Professor of Philosophy at Presidency College and Principal of the Madrasa in Calcutta. From 1886 Principal and Professor of Philosophy at Allahabad, in 1887-94 Registrar of Allahabad University. In 1894 Off. Director of Public Instruction, North-Western Provinces, but invalided on furlough in 1894 and had to retire in 1895. In 1900-02 Hon. Public Examiner, Oxford Oriental School. He was one of the few early Western scholars of Indian philosophy. Married with Amelie Louisa Leupolt (1848–1883), one son.
Publications: A key to the exercises in Professor Williams’ [i.e. Monier W.] Sanskrit Manual. 58 p. London 1868.
– Edited: Vaiśeshika aphorisms of Kaṇâda with comments from the Upaskâra of Śankara-Miśra and the Vivṛitti of Jaya-nârâyana-Tarkapaṅchânana. 3+310 p. Benares 1973.
– Edited: Papers relating to the Collection and Preservation of the Records of Ancient Sanskrit Literature in India. 234 p. Calcutta 1878.
– Transl. with E. B. Cowell: Mādhavācārya, Sarva-darśana-sangraha or Review of the different systems of Hindu philosophy. 293 p. L. 1882; ed. & tr. with Govindadeva Sastri: Sadānanda, Vedāntasāra. Pandit 6-8, other editions and articles in the Pandit.
– The philosophy of the Upanishads and ancient Indian metaphysics. 268 p. L. 1882 (originally articles in the Calcutta Review).
– “Vedanta”, Enc. Britannica.
Sources: The Indian Biogr. Dict. 1916 in Br. Biogr. Archiv 2nd Series; gravestonephotos.com; stray notes in Internet.
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