WREDE, Francis (Franz, later Baron von Wrede). 17?? — 18??. German, long time resident in Kerala (Cochin). Son of a civil servant from Heidelberg, probably came to India in the service of Dutch East India Company, worked in forestry. Back in Europe lived in Schloss Ellingen. Married. Apparently brother of General Karl Philipp von Wrede.
Publications: “Account of the St.Thomé Christians on the Coast of Malabar”, As. Res. 7, 1801, 362-380.
– “An Account of the Festival of Mamangom”, Transactions of the Lit. Soc. of Bombay 1, 1819, 1-3.
Sources: M. Mann, “Waldwirtschaft und Forstwissenschaft in Britisch-Indien” in www.projekt-mida.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/M.-Mann_Archivfuehrer_Forstwissenschaft.pdf.
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