GRIMM, Georg

GRIMM, Georg. Rollhofen bei Nürnberg 28.2.1868 — Utting am Ammersee (Oberbayern) 26.8.1945. German Bauddha. Son of a smith, Michael Grimm, and Maria Zeug. According to the wish of his parents started the study of catholic theology in order to become a priest, but broke up and moved to Law Department graduating there (Dr.iur.). After graduating interested in Schopenhauer and, with the help of his friend Deussen, in Indian thought. He had also influences from Neumann and started the study of Pāli and Sanskrit. Retired early (1919) from the High Court and concentrated on Buddhist studies. Lectured on Buddhism at Munich University. In the early 1920s he collaborated with Seidenstücker, but with Dahlke there were often controversies. In 1921 he founded together with Seidenstücker the Altbuddhistische Gemeinde in Utting am Ammersee. In his works he strongly rejected the opinions of Buddhaghosa and other commentaries, because these had introduced “Dravidian corruption into the pure Aryan doctrine”, which he believed to be capable of reconstructing. A central point in this was the rejection of the anatta doctrine. Married 1898 Rosa Konzelmann, their daughter Rosa is better known as —> Maya Keller-Grimm.

Publications: Eight books and a number of articles on Buddhism, i. al.:

Die Lehre des Buddho: die Religion des Vernunft und der Meditation. 1915, then ed. by M. Keller-Grimm & M. Hoppe. 519 p. 20th ed. Freiburg 1988; English transl. 191?; new English transl. The Doctrine of the Buddha. The Religion of Reason and Meditation. Lp. 1926, 2nd rev. ed. by. M. Keller-Grimm & M. Hoppe. 416 p. B. 1958.

Buddhistische Weisheit. Das Geheimnis des ICH. Bausteine der Erkenntnis. 1918; English transl. by C. Aikins, Buddhist Wisdom: the Mystery of the Self. Ed. by M. Keller-Grimm. 2nd rev. and enl. edition. 68 p. Delhi 1978.

Buddha und Christus. 12+258 p. Lp. 1928.

Sources: H. v. Glasenapp, N.D.B. 7, 1966, 82; Peiris, Buddhism 96-102 (cf. 128-130); German Wikipedia.

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