ARBUTHNOT, Alexander John

ARBUTHNOT, Alexander John. Killaloe, Ireland 11.10.1822 — 10.6.1907. Sir. British (Irish) Civil Servant in India. Son of Alexander A. (1768–1828), Bishop of Killaloe, and Margaret Phoebe Bingham. Educated at Rugby and Haileybury. Joined I.C.S. 1842 in Madras. As Director of Public Instruction from 1855 he had an important role in the establishment of Madras University (1871-72 its Vice-Chancellor). In 1862-67 Chief Secretary to Madras Government, 1867-72 member of Legislative Council, 1875-80 in Vice-Roy’s Executive Council, then retired and returned to the U.K. In 1888-93 member of the council of the Secretary of State for India. K.C.I.E. 1873. Twice married, with Frederica Eliza Fearon (d. 1898) and 1899 Constance Angelena Milman (d. 1936), no children.

Publications: Malayalam Selections, with translations, grammatical analysis, and vocabulary. 8+207 p. Cottayam 1851.

Select reports of criminal cases determined in the Court of Foujdaree Udalat of Madras. 58+274 p. Madras 1851.

Major-General Sir Thomas Munro, Governor of Madras: A Memoir. 176 p. 1889; Lord Clive: the foundation of British rule in India. 24+318 p. Builders of Greater Britain. 1899.

– With Constance Arbuthnot: Memories of Rugby & India. 336 p. L. 1910.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; *R.E. Frykenberg, Oxford D.N.B.; Wikipedia with photo.

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