GROSE, John Henry

GROSE, John Henry. London 24.8.1732 — in or after 1774. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Francis Gr., a jeweller of Swiss origin, educated in London. He went to Bombay in 1750 and became writer in the E.I.C.’s service. Member of the Society of Arts. Back in England lived in Richmond, Surrey. Married with Sarah Smalley, children. In his book he gave a good account of Indian manners and customs. While other sources leave his death open, claims that he only died in 31.5.1814 in The Priory, Isle of Wight.

Publications: A Voyage to the East Indies, with observations on various parts there. 24+407 p. L. 1757; further enlarged editions 1766 and 1772 and a French translation by Philippe Hernandez, L. 1758, German 1775.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; *J.H. Farrant, Oxford D.N.B.; J.K. Laughton, D.N.B. 23; stray notes in Internet including*-COM_31038; Wikipedia.

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