GROSLIER, Bernard Philippe. Phnom Penh 10.5.1926 — Paris 29.5.1986. French Archaeologist and Historian of South-East Asia. A specialist of Cambodia, but also wrote on Gandhāra art (1951). Son of Georges Gr. (1887–1945), the founder and first curator of the Museum of Phnom Penh, and Suzanne Cecile Poujade. Born in Cambodia he was sent to school to Clermont-Ferrand, participated in WW II in French resistance, 1942-44, then in army until 1948. In 1948-50 studies in Paris (Sorbonne, Institut d’Ethnologie, É.L.O.V., Ecole de Louvre), specializing in Khmer and history. After a while in Saigon, in 1952 started working in Angkor (from 1959 at É.F.E.O.), where he was the last European curator, remained there until 1973, then in Thailand. In 1976-78 directeur du Centre de recherches archéologiques du C.N.R.S. in Paris. Died of heart attack.
Groslier was a many-sided archaeologist and famous of his skill in conservation of monuments. He conducted excavations in Cambodia, India (in the 1950s), Greece, and France. Also interested in Sanskrit and Khmer epigraphy.
Publications: Angkor et le Cambodge au XIVe siècle d’après les sources portugaises et espagnoles. 194 p. A.M.G. Bibl. d’ét. 63. P. 1957; L’Indochine. Carrefour des arts. 270 p. Arts du Monde. P. 1961, English transl. Indochina. L. 1962, also in German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Bahasa Indonesia, etc.; Indochine. 283 p. Archaeologia Mundi. Genève, etc. 1968.
– With J. Arthaud: Angkor: Hommes et pierres. 245 p. 121 ill. P. 1956.
– Articles, also on Gandhāra art; Mélanges sur l’archéologie du Cambodge (1949–1986). Ed. J. Dumarçay. Réimpressions 10. P. 1998.
Sources: P.-S. Filliozat, BEI 4, 1986, 7-11; D. Lombard, Arts As. 42, 1987, 105; *E. Moore, Asian Perspectives 27:2, 1986-87, 173-180 with photo and bibliography; Buddhist Studies Review 6:1, 1989, 47; Chercheurs d’Asie 142f. (online version with photo); French Wikipédia.
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