GROUSSET, René Jean François Marie. Aubais (Gard) 5.9.1885 — Paris 12.11(9?).1952. French Historian of Asia. Lost his father before birth (Louis-Xavier-René Gr. 1860–1885, historian and poet). After history studies at Montpellier moved to Paris and started Museum work. Participated in the WW I and was seriously wounded in 1915. From 1925 Assistant Conservator in Musée Guimet, also taught at École du Louvre. From 1933 Director (Conservateur-en-chef) of Musée Cernuschi, from 1941 also Professor of geography and history at É.L.O.V.. During the war dismissed from his position by Vichy government, then from 1945 Conservateur-en-chef in Musée Guimet, until his death. In 1946 Member of Académie française. Married Marie-Eulalie Albouy (1890–1972).

Grousset was skilled and many-sided cultural historian, who was mainly interested in East Asia and the Mongols. In his great works he achieved grandiose syntheses, occasionally at the cost of details. His competence of Asian languages was defective, he was not able to use original sources independently.

Publications: Histoire de l’Asie. 1-4. P. 1922; Les civilisations de l’Orient. 1-4: 1. L’Orient. 2+362 p. 292 fig. P. 1929; 2. L’Inde. 6+370 p. 246 fig. P. 1930; 3. La Chine. 5+360 p. 269 fig. P. 1930; 4. Le Japon. 8+321 p. 202 fig. P. 1940.

Sur les traces du Bouddha. 4+328 p. P. 1929, new ed. 264 p. P. 1991; English by M. Leon, In the footsteps of the Buddha. L. 1932; German by P. Fischer, Die Reise nach dem Westen oder wie Hsüan-tsang den Buddhismus nach China holte. Munich 1994.

Histoire de la philosophie orientale. 376 p. P. 1923.

Histoire de l’Extrême Orient. 1-2. 18+771 p. 33 pl. A.M.G., B.d’ét. 39-40. P. 1929.

Les philosophies indiennes. 1-2. 18+344+416 p. P. 1931.

Histoire des croisades. 1-3. 62+698, 3+920, 34+874 p. P. 1934-36.

La sculpture des Indes et de la Chine dans les collections parisiennes. 8 p. 42 pl. P. 1939.

Empire des steppes: Attila, Gengis-Khan, Tamerlan. 639 p. P. 1939, also in English tr.; L’empire mongol. 12+583 p. P. 1941; Le conquérant du monde (vie de Gengis-khan. 388 p. 24 pl. P. 1944.

With J. Auboyer & J. Buhot: L’Asie orientale des origines au XVe siècle. 39+584 p. P. 1941.

Histoire de la Chine. 344 p. P. 1942.

Histoire de l’Arménie des origines à 1071. 647 p. P. 1947; lesser works and articles.

Sources: E. Allès, D.O.L.F. 461; J. Auboyer, BEFEO 47, 1955, 1-6 (5f. bibliography); *P. Demiéville, TP 42:5, 1954, 411-415; *R. Fazy, As.St./É 6, 1952, 4-8; *J. Filliozat, JS 1952, 130-132; *M. Lalou, JA 1952, 337f.; *R. Le May, AL 28:1, 1954, 18f.; L. Petech, E&W 3, 1952, 221; *Picard, Art. As. 1952, 277-279; Wikipedia with photo (more in French version).

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