GWYNN, John Peter Lucius. London 22.6.1916 — Bromley, Kent 14.9.1999. British Civil Servant in India. Son of John Tudor Gwynn, I.C.S., of Irish background, and Joan Sedding. After early childhood in South India educated in Oxford and Dublin. After studies of Classics and Comparative Linguistics at Dublin (B.A. 1938 at Trinity College) he joined the I.C.S. in 1939, served in the Nilgiris and Andhra Pradesh continuing after independence, until 1957. Then worked 8 years at the Treasury and retired as Second Member of the Board of Revenue in 1968, being the last U.K. citizen serving in Indian administration. Back in U.K. served in Treasury, retired 1976. Married 1959 Peggy Satur, two sons.
Publications: With Bh. Krishnamurti: A grammar of modern Telugu. 459 p. Delhi 1985.
– With J. Venkateswara Sastry: A Telugu–English dictionary. 22+570 p. Delhi 1991.
Sources: P.M. Gwynn, Independent 17.9.1999;; Wikipedia with photo.
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