HAARH, Erik Helge. Frederiksberg 20.9.1929 — 1.12.1993. Danish Scholar of Tibetan and Comparative Religion. Professor in Aarhus. Son of Georg Emil Halvor H., an engineer, and Laurene Kristine H. Matriculated in 1948. Studies of history of religions at Copenhagen (for a while in Rome under Tucci), mag.art. 1953. Ph.D. 1969 Copenhagen. Worked as librarian (1955-66 bibliothekar, 1966-69 førstebibliothekar & afdelnings­leder) in Oriental division of Kongelige Bibliothek. In 1955-63 also an Assistant in Tibetan and in 1963-77 Lecturer (Lektor) in Tibetan at Copenhagen University. In the 1950s field-work in the Himalayas (Limbu). From 1969 at Aarhus University as Afdelningsleder i Religionshistorie and in 1970-79 also member of Hum. Fakultets­råd (council). At the same time Censor (external examiner) i religionshistorie, religions­sociologi and in 1977-83 in Tibetan at Copenhagen University. From 1983 Professor i Religionshistorie at Aarhus. Retired in 1987, died after long illness. Among his students were Flemming Faber, Per K. Sørensen, and Anne Burchardi.

Publications: Diss. The Yar-luṅ dynasty: study with particular regard to the contribution by myths and legends to the history of ancient Tibet and the origin and nature of its kings. 481 p. Copenhagen 1969.

– “Contributions to the study of maṇḍala and mudrā”, AO 23, 1959, 57-91; “The Identity of Tsu-chih-chien, the Tibetan “King” who died in 804 A.D.”, AO 25, 1961, 212-170; “A Comparative List of the Derge and Lhasa Editions of the Kanjur”, AM 9, 1962, 179-205; further articles and reviews.

Limbu–English Glossary. 40 p. Copenhagen 1960.

The Zhang-Zhung Language. A grammar and dictionary of the unexplored lan­guage of the Tibetan Bonpos. 43 p. Acta Jutlandica 40:1 (Human. ser. 47). Copenhagen 1968.

– “Lamaismen”, J. P. Asmussen (ed.): Illustr. Religionshistorie. 1968, in German “Lamaismus” in Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte. 2. Göttingen 1972, 516-536; other contributions in collective volumes.

Sources: Kraks Blå Bog 1987, 1993; Wikipedia; www.au.dk/?id=241043 (in Danish); parents in myheritage.com.

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