HABERLANDT, Michael. Altenburg (now Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary) 29.9.1860 — Vienna 14.6.1940. Austrian Anthropologist and Indologist. Son of agronomist Friedrich H. (1826–1878) and Katharina Köhler. Studies of Indology, etc. at Vienna, Ph.D. 1882. In 1892 he became the first PD of Ethnology at Vienna University, from 1910 with ao. Professor’s title. From 1895 employed in the newly founded (much by him) Anthropologisch-ethnographische Abteilung of Naturhistorisches Hofmuseum (custos, from 1911 its Director). In 1894 he was among founders of Verein für österreichische Volkskunde, in 1895 of Zeitschrift für österreichische Volkskunde. In his early years he was much interested in Sanskrit philology, but as an ethnologist concentrated on Austria and Europe. He created the Austrian collections of ethnography. Married 1886 Lola Mallovich (1865–1944), his elder son was the ethnologist Arthur H. (1889–1964) who succeeded him as the Director of the museum, now called Volkskundemuseum. In some of his writings Haberlandt showed racist and Antisemitic ideas.

Publications: Diss. Zur Geschichte einiger Personalausgänge bei den thematischen Verben im Indogermanischen. 86 p. Vienna 1882

– “Zur Geschichte des Pañcatantra. 1. Text der südlichen Recension”, SWA 107, 1884, 397-476; Indische Legenden. 96 p. Lp. 1885; Der altindische Geist in Aufsätzen und Skizzen. 12+348 p. Lp. 1887

Translated: Vasantasena Oder Das Irdene Wägelchen. Lp. 1893 (Mṛcchakaṭika); Daśakumāracaritam. Die Abenteuer der zehn Prinzen. 158 p. Munich 1903.

Die Hauptliteraturen Orients. 1. Die Literaturen Ostasiens und Indiens. 110 p. Sammlung Göschen 162. Lp. 1903.

Völkerkunde. 200 p. Sammlung Göschen 73. Lp. 1898; Österreichische Volkskunst. 1-2. Vienna 1910-14, etc.

Sources: Leop. Schmidt, N.D.B. 7, 1966, 395f.; briefly D.B.E. 4, 1996, 294; Ö.B.L. 2, 1959, 125; German Wikipedia with bust.

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