HADLEY, George. 174? — London 10.9.1798. British Colonial Officer in India, Author of the first Hindūstānī Grammar in English. He joined the E.I.C.’s Bengal Army as a cadet in 1763, Lieutenant 1764, Captain 1766, retired 1771. In order to understand the sepoys, he compiled a Hindūstānī grammar and an English– Hindūstānī glossary in 1765. A manuscript copy came to London and was printed with a great number of errors in 1770. Nevertheless, the book circulated in Bengal, and in 1772 Hadley published a corrected edition. In retirement he returned to England.
Publications: Grammatical Remarks on the practical and vulgar dialect of the Indostan Language, commonly called Moors. L. 1772, rev. 4th ed. L. 1796, 5th ed. rev. by Mirza Mohummud Fitrut as A compendious Grammar of the current corrupt Dialect of the Jargon of Hindoostan (commonly called Moors). 104 p. L. 1801, rev. 7th ed. L. 1909.
– Introductory Grammatical Remarks on the Persian Language. 208 p. Bath 1776.
Sources: G.G[oodwin], D.N.B. 23, 1890, 435; *K. Prior, Oxford D.N.B.; briefly in Buckland, Dictionary; Wikipedia.
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