HAMILTON, Charles. Belfast 1752/53 — Hampstead, London 14.3.1792, when 39. British Colonial Officer in India. Probably son of Charles H., a merchant (d. 1759), and Katherine Mackay (d. 1767). Worked two years in a Dublin mercantile house, then “went to India in the E.I.C.’s military service in 1776; was one of the first members of the A.S.B.; served in the expedition against the Rohillas.” He went to England in 1786 to finish his translation and died there of tuberculosis, before he could take up the post of Resident in Oudh, to which he had been appointed.

Publications: Historical Relation of the Origin, Progress, and Final Dissolution of the Government of the Rohilla Afgans in the Northern Provinces of Hindostan. 22+398 p. L. 1787 (from Persian sources).

Translated from Persian: Hedàya, or guide; A Commentary on the Mussulman Laws. 1-4. L. 1791 (by Burhan al-Dīn Marghinānī).

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; G. Goodwin, D.N.B. 24, 1890, 140; Dict. of Ulster Biography. 2020 (online); Wikipedia.

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