BOER, Richard Constant. Warnsveld near Zutphen 31.1.1863 — Amsterdam 20.8.1929. Dutch Linguist. Son of Richard Willem Boer and Constantia Gisius Nanning. Ph.D. 1888 Groningen. In 1888-1900 taught Dutch and geography at gymnasium in Leeuwarden. In 1900-29 Professor of Old Germanic and Sanskrit at Amsterdam, after 1921 mainly taught Scandinavian languages. Taught Sanskrit 1900-08, then left it to Faddegon, again in 1926-29. Married Helena Johanna Walther, three daughters and two sons.
Publications: Much on Germanic, especially on Old Norse (e.g. diss. 1888 on Örvar Odds saga, other studies on sagas and Edda).
Sources: Dutch Indology homepage about Amsterdam;; Wikipedia with photo.
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