HART, Eric George. Mangalore 6.2.1878 — 8.10.1946. British Colonial Officer in India, then Professor in Dublin. Son of Henry H., M.B.E. Educated at Victoria College in Jersey and at Wellington College. Joined the army and in 1900-01 served in China, 1901-02 in Makran, 1904 in Aden, in 1906 joined Indian Army. In 1911-13 in Persia, 1919 in Afghanistan and NW Frontier. Lieutenant-Colonel 1923. Retired from army in 1924. In 1926-38 Professor of Arabic, Persian and Hindustani and Reader of Indian History at Dublin University. Married 1909 Audrey Davis, divorced, one daughter, 1942 Lilian Webb.
Publications: Gandhi and the Indian Problem. 155 p. L. 1931.
Sources: Who Was Who 1941–50.
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