BREWSTER, Paul G. Stendal, Ind. 5.11.1898 — 19??. U.S. Folklorist, Specialist of Games. B.S. 1920 Oakland City College. M.A. 1925 University of Oklahoma (but never Ph.D.). In 1926-29 taught at University of Tennessee, 1929-30 at University of North Carolina, 1948-49 at Surfleff College, 1949-52 at Henderson State Teachers’ College and from 1954 at Tennessee Technological University. Married 1940, two children.

Publications: Books and articles especially on games in various parts of the world, also on folk songs and ballads.

– On India: “Four Games of Tag From India”, Midwest Folklore 1, 1951, 239-241; “A Collection of Games from India, with some Notes on Similar Games in other Parts of the World”, ZfEthnol. 80, 1955, 88-102; with J. S. Patel, “The Indian Game of Sagargote (Kooka)”, ZfEthnol. 82, 1957, 186-190; “A Worldwide Carne and an Indian Legend”, Eastern Anthropologist 14, 1961, 192-193; “Fire-walking in India and Fiji”, ZfEthnol. 87, 1962, 56-62.

– “Treatise on Iranian Games”, AO 25, 1960, 15-28.

– With S. Hummel, Games of Tibetans. 33 p. FF Communications 77:2. Helsinki 1963.

Sources: Indiana authors in (from Dir. Am. Sch.); game bibliography 1939-65 in

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