BRODIE, Alexander Oswald

BRODIE, Alexander Oswald. 1817? — Edinburgh 5/6.11.1874, when 57. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of Colonel James Br., of Madras Army. From 1845 in Ceylon rising to Assistant Agent at Matale, in 1853 returned to the U.K., got married and resigned from service in 1855, moving to New York, where his wife’s uncle was businessman. After his death returned to Ceylon and became Additional District Judge at Matara, 1858 again Assistant Agent at Matale. Retired in 1864 and settled in Edinburgh, where he was still living in 1869. Married Jessie Ann Spottiswoode, two daughters and a son.

Publications: “On the Manufacture of Salt by Solar Evaporation”, JRAS-CB 1:4, 1847-48, 99-108; three short papers on inscriptions, JRAS-CB 2:2 (6), 1853, 51-54 & 2:3 (7), 1853, 81f. & 2:4 (8), 1855, 181-184, 3 pl.; also wrote of climate and statistics.

– R. Pieris (ed.): “The Brodie Papers on Sinhalese Folk-Religion”, Univ. Ceylon Review 19??, 19 p.

Sources: D.P.E. Hettiaratchi, CALR 6, 1920-21, 157f.; J.P. Lewis, CALR 6, 1920-21, 52f. & 7:2, 1921-22, 114f.

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