HASE, Carl Benedikt / Charles-Benoît. Sulza, Thüringen 11.5.1780 — Paris 21.3.1864. German Linguist in France. Professor in Paris. Son of Christian-Gottfried H. (1731–1791), a Lutheran minister and Superintendent of Allstadt. After Gymnasium in Weimar studied at the universities of Jena (1798-99, 1801) and Helmstedt (1800), mainly theology, Greek and Arabic. In 1801 moved to Paris, further studies under Silvestre de Sacy. From 1805 worked at Manuscript Department of Imperial Library. From 1812 teacher of Napoléon-Louis and of the future Emperor Louis-Napoléon. From 1815 Professor of Modern Greek at E.L.O.V., until his death. Member of A.I.B.L. 1824. From 1830 Professor of German language and literature at École polytechnique, from 1832 conservateur-en-chef of Greek manuscripts in Bibliothèque royale. From 1852 the first Professor of comparative grammar at Faculté de lettres (Sorbonne), until his death. Hon. dr. Jena and Berlin. A pioneer of Byzantine studies and a skilled palaeographist.
Publications: A great number of publications, among other things edited the new edition of Stephanus’ Thesaurus linguae Graecae. 1-8. P. 1831-61.
Sources: *M. Bréal, “La jeunesse de M. Hase”, Revue des Deux Mondes 56, 1883, 347; *Charle, Les professeurs de la Faculté des lettres. 1. 1986; *Joseph-Daniel Guigniaut, CRAI 11, 1867, 180-193; K.F. Halm, A.D.B. 10, 1879, 725-727; T. de Morembert, D.B.F. 17, 1989, 698f.; Wikipedia (more details in French and German versions, all with portrait).
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