HAUSHEER, Jakob. Wollishofen bei Zürich 11.10.1865 — Zürich 7.5.1943. Swiss Orientalist. Son of Johann Kaspar H., a poor farmer, and Anna Barbara Weiss, educated in Zollikon and Zürich. Studied theology and Semitics at Zürich and Halle. Ordained priest 1888. Ph.D. 1889 Halle (under Thorbecke). Taught religion and Hebrew at schools in Zürich. From 1905 ord. Professor for Old Testament Studies and Oriental Languages at Zürich, from 1908 also taught History of Religions ( lectured on Buddhism). He was mainly an Arabic scholar, but also interested in Sanskrit, which he had learned from Schweizer-Sidler and Kaegi. Hon. Dr.theol. 1927 Basel. After his death his papers were burned as ordered in his will. Married 1891 Anna Schnabel (1869–1913) and 1936 Klara Reithaar (1881–1966), one daughter and one son.
Publications: Diss. Die Mu’allaka des Zuhair. 33+35 p. B. 1905; very few other works, nothing related to South Asia.
– Participated in the Zürich German translation of the Old Testament.
Sources: Hist.-biogr. Lexikon der Schweiz 4; Schw. Zeitgenossen-Lex. 1932; Fück 287; E. Kellenberger in Web HistLexschweiz; German Wikipedia with photo.
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